Adam Carranco

Colorado school of mines | class of 2024
"My name is Adam Carranco, and I want to express my gratitude for your contribution to my future. As a first-generation Latino and college student, your contribution is making history for my family. Through the resources, mentorship, and funds that LAEF has provided to me, I have been able to pursue an education at my dream school. This has helped me better adapt as a freshman in college and given me an advantage in starting college. Upon graduation, I plan to work in the engineering field and later return to school for a master's degree in a complementary field.

Whether it be big or small, thank you for your belief in my ability to pursue higher education at the Colorado School of Mines. I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering and anticipate graduating in 2024. Know that your investment will not go to waste and I will do everything in my power to be a successful student."

Keilly Leon

Colorado State university | class of 2023
"I sincerely thank every donor and sponsor of LAEF for their continuous support. The year 2020 presented many students like me with unprecedented challenges. LAEF became a symbol of hope to continue my educational journey and evidence of my academic efforts throughout the years.

LAEF provides more than financial assistance, it serves as a reminder that any student coming from any background is allowed the opportunity to better themselves. It has provided me with a community of other equally amazing aspiring scholars and the constant support needed to persevere as a college student.

As a political science major, I am passionate about the state of our country and fighting for other deserving students and underrepresented communities like mine. Eventually, I want to extend this kindness and support that has been shared with me and give back in a similar manner."

Carla Caro

University of redlands | Class of 2022
"My name is Carla Caro and I attended the University of Redlands in Redlands, California. I was a double major in Latin American Studies and Public Policy with an emphasis in Immigration and Civil Rights with a minor in Race and Ethnic Studies. Thank you for your donations to LAEF. It possible for me to pursue my passions in higher education.

I appreciate what you have done for me and for countless others, not only us students but also for the community as well. I am excited to say that I will continue into either graduate school or law school. This organization has helped me in more ways than I will ever be able to say, and alongside your generous donations I am paving a better life not just for myself but for my family as well."

LAEF Scholar Resources

Scholars, check out the available resources our team has curated for you!

Apply to Become an LAEF Scholar

Application is now open. This year's deadline is March 20, 2024.


Tony Salazar

Vice President for Outreach & Engagement | University of Colorado
LAEF Alumnus Scholar
"I will always be grateful to LAEF for providing resources that allowed me to pursue a college degree, something that was never available to anyone else in my extended family. My education opened doors in personal and professional spaces that I would have never otherwise entered. Now my children are benefitting from LAEF’s powerful impact on my life as they become the second generation of college graduates in our family."

Marcia Romero

Vice President of Community Relations for Colorado & New Mexico | US Bank
LAEF Alumna Scholar
"My LAEF journey has come full circle in the 30 years since I first learned of this storied organization. I received an LAEF scholarship as I was embarking on my college journey – as first gen student who promised herself that I would return this favor to the next generation. The dividends from LAEF have been fruitful as I have served this organization as a board member for the past six years and a mentor to a now-college graduate, LAEF Scholar, with whom I know we will always be a connected because of the LAEF legacy."

Scholar Resources

Contact Melissa Muniz  if you need assistance or want to discuss ways we can work together. Check out the available resources we have curated just for you.
Scholar Resources
Melissa Muniz | Scholarship & Services Manager
Founding year