Luis Vargas Graduates from CU Denver with Honors

Next Stop: Medical School
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Do you remember the day you graduated? Last week, 22 LAEF scholars walked across the stage, received their college diplomas, and will soon begin their professional lives. It’s thanks to believers like you that they have the opportunity to reach their highest potential. LAEF scholar Luis Vargas received his bachelor's degree in Public Health from the University of Colorado Denver, and plans to attend medical school. Originally from Peru, Luis is a resilient and empathetic leader whose passion lies in helping those who feel like they don’t belong. He understands what it feels like to be an outsider, and has worked tirelessly to overcome his unique barriers. He feels connected and passionate when serving newly arrived migrants in Denver.

LAEF Scholar Luis Vargas Graduates with Honors from CU Denver

“As a future medical provider, I want to provide representation for overlooked communities in Colorado like the immigrant community and give them a voice in healthcare that they can trust.

Recently, Luis received the Outstanding Public Health Undergraduate Award at the University of Colorado Denver, and his team received the President's Sustainable Solution Challenge Award in Environment and Technology. Luis will become a doctor, and it is because of your generosity and belief in his talents that he is able to pursue his passions and serve his community. 

You probably understand some of the unique challenges Latinos experience when pursuing post-secondary education. "Because of my status, when I first started college in Denver, my tuition was almost three times more than my peers. I felt my dreams to enter healthcare slowly dwindle. Everything changed when my mother sat me down and said we would let our tears fall for that one night only because no matter the barriers we faced, I would still have her and my family by my side. She said,

“Todo tiene solución menos la muerte.” 

The next day I advocated for myself at the university and after dozens of emails and documents proving my time in the country, I was able to get my tuition changed to in-state tuition. My resilience and power motivated me to look for new communities that believed in my potential, and thankfully I found LAEF, whose staff, board, and donors have given me nothing but support throughout my academic and professional career. These organizations and every person who has believed in me along the way have reignited my pride in being Peruvian. 

“With the support of my family, LAEF, and you, I can overcome any challenge and reach my goal of being the first in my family to become a physician and tackle health disparities plaguing Colorado immigrant communities.” 

LAEF is proud to recognize and support scholars like Luis. We foster a sense of belonging and community for our scholars through 1:1 advising, connection to community resources, and career opportunities. Devoted supporters like you make up a community of people who believe in the power of education, and our scholars’ potential. You are what has sustained us for 75 beautiful years of impact. 

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